Category Archives: Odinism

Being a stay-at-home dad, while still living by the 9 Noble Virtues.


Having been layed-off from a company I had vested over 6 years of my life, without proper severance pay or unemployment check opportunites, provided tribulation, depression, financial hardship, sacrifice and personal growth. Being forced to be home bound and switch roles as “provider” with my wife was a hard pill to have to swallow. But what I soon had to realize, that what I’m providing is truly invaluable to my kids & to my family.
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An Odinist, wait…your what now?


Yes It’s true and couldn’t have come at a better time in my life, I have dropped the following of Christianity and have taken up Odinism.
“What do you mean by Odinism?” You might ask, well
Odinism is the indigenous religious faith of the English and other peoples of Northern Europe; it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas and behaviour, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be divided into three periods:
1.) Before the coming of Christianity,
2.) It’s gradual merging with Christianity and the ensuing Period of Dual Faith, and
3.) It’s efforts in the present century to free itself of Christian influences and to reassert its ancient independence.

For more enlightenment & education on this faith, check out this link.

As for my reasoning to deny the so call existence of the Christian god, and switch faiths, is that for years I had been prosecuting myself, condemning myself, torturing myself for things I felt sinned against my “god”. It had lead me to a very dark place, a place I resented myself and were penance wasn’t enough to cleanse me. I made choices based on the teachings of this faith that made me hostile to those outside of it, made me almost loose my life as we know it. Having lost my daughter was the icing on the cake, any “god” who takes my child for his own is no god of mine. It all pointed to a godless world and a godless illusion of commercialized faith & the control of those listed as “followers”. Now don’t get me wrong I know many of the Christian faith and are amazing people, the faith works for them, it saves them, it helps them. And that’s fine, but for me, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t answer my questions, it doesn’t help, it doesn’t lead me into betterment. Odinism is what does it for me, don’t judge me, don’t condemn me for the faith I choose. I have Christians, Jewish, Atheist and Non-Practicing Anything’s in my family, viewing me not as an equal for the faith I follow makes you a hypocrite and your so called “heaven” will be a very lonely place when you get there. Plus wouldn’t you want to celebrate ones faith if it truly saved them? Or would you rather I be dead in the name of your “one true god”?
And please don’t make this Blog your option for religious debates and slander towards mine. Itll just get you blocked and removed from my collective of humans I share my time with.
It’s time well all lived by Noble Virtue, in the here & now, taking 100% accountability for our actions and not worried about “Paradise” and worried about the limited time we have on this planet today. Hold what you have, for tomorrow you might not have it.