Category Archives: Uncategorized

Step parenting and the great divide.

So I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to have the “I don’t want you as a step-dad”, talk with my step daughter and just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse the “reason” is revealed.
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Board Game Review: NFL: Game Day

So I just picked this new board game up from “Fanzz” retail store for $30.00 and Its published by Fremont Die and is an officially licensed product of the National Football League.
The age range states 9+, but I think a well versed 7-8 year old could play given their knowledge on the sport and how its played. 2-4 players can play, you might wonder how 3-4 can play, given its a one team vs. one team sport, but you would have one person play offensive for your team and the other plays defense for it. Same applies for the other team. It doesn’t state these rules in the directions, but its the only way right off I figured four can play with respectively the same amount of turns, responsibilities & fairness. 3 players would just be one person controlling their whole team where as the other two would divide their team up as mentioned above. I also feel a solitary game could be run, however “luck of the draw/dice” does determine more of the results than when working against another player. You can however choose to allow yourself to choose the cards you play from your hand of your team and allow the random draw from top of the opposing deck to be drawn without looking, that way you never know what your up against. I played a solo game just to test out the rules and mechanics of the game and actually enjoyed the play through. So solo again can be done with a little ingenuity on your part but no rules again are provided in the instructions for it.
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Boyscouts of America : Doing their duty for “Your” God.

So, being that I myself was a boy scout back in my wonder years of young, and my son is active in scouts and I had hoped at one point my youngest might be motivated to join when age appropriate. I wanted to become active with-in my sons troop to help or be a mentor to kids enrolled in the program.
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A Garbage Pal Kid with a Foul Mouth!


So, shortly after a few re-reads, some tweeks and changes to some of my posts, I took it upon myself to remove the (Expletive) from them. Though if you knew me, I’d be an individual with a colorful vocabulary that matched my colorfully stained skin. However, I’d like my blogs to be enjoyed by the masses and not just pirates, drop-outs, convicts, and other Garbage Pal Kids. Not trying to disrespect any other individuals that may have a limited vocabulary from the list. Now I know, It’s a “free speech” kind of world and that I should have the right/freedom to curse as I see fit, but this world does have a lot of judgmental individuals and people who will literally refuse to listen/read anything you have to say if your vocabulary gets too far into the garbage. So, I’ll attempt to “appease” the masses of inter-nets and my fellow readers. Your welcome you ungrateful mutha’(expletive)! Oh, and forgive the lack of spell-check on my blogs for now, I plan on a re-do once I get a PC in the house. In the mean time I’m working on a qwerty keyboard on my phone and predictive text has a mind of its own. So forgive me, or don’t I really don’t give a (Expletive).

How wyrd is it?

A lot has happened to me, as I’m sure a lot of many things have happened too you aswell, but we’re not here about you are we? No, this time we aren’t, we’re here cause apparently I have something to say that you might possibly want to read about. Now, you might not have the same opinion, or even the same views as me, or even the same likes or dislikes and that’s ok, but what does matter is that I say what I have too and without restraint, without filters, without a care what you think of me. I mean let’s face it, that’s why you’re here, to see what I have to say. How strange is that, in a day & age we seek out social media applications and tools to peer into the very
fabric of another’s mind, read their thoughts, see their emotions written out in digital form. How weird is it that I’m here and your there and yet this very site has brought us together. Hope you enjoy or at least take humor in things I might say, have them instill a new fondness for me and my witty dark humor or make you nod your head in agreeance to something I said. I’m glad your here, if not for long, at least you showed up. And too me, that’s Wyrd.